Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Absolutely no legs!

I laughed so hard I cried - and even hyperventilated a little bit - when I saw this commercial yesterday.

Lots of comedy shorts on, where I found this disturbing yet hilarious commercial.

There's also a great Bob Dylan parody called Bob Dylan: No Direction, Period. In it, he's credited with writing every popular song since the 1960s, including Nookie, Gold Digger and Toxic. It's pretty brilliant.


ShannanB said...

That Bob Dylan piece is the funniest thing I have ever seen. I am sending this to everyone I know. I can't believe he wrote "Baby Got Back"... (lol)

Gina said...

I know. Shocking, isn't it?!

Unknown said...

I thought he wrote every song and Mitch Albom wrote everything else? Who knew??