Saturday, May 02, 2009

Speaking of Swine

Hold the flippin' phone, you guys. The Flying Pig is tomorrow! EEK.

Not cool of it to sneak up on me like that.

Sure, I've known since January I was doing relay again, but still. Time flies when you're not training. Er, I mean... running hella-fast like, all the time.

I'm running the first leg this year, also known as 6.84 miles of early morning gloriousness. It's about the same distance I ran last year for the fourth leg after the course was rerouted for the fire. Of course last year I went for more training runs.

The photo is of me and Byron, who I ran with most Saturday mornings last year. He encouraged me up countless hills, and I tried not to drag him down too much. Then he moved to Louisiana. So selfish! It's probably why I skipped so many runs this year, I was sans Byron.

I'm excited for Sunday though. The Pig is one of my favorite Cincinnati things, whether I'm watching or running the relay. It will be fun!

My fellow relay-mates - Adam, Missy and Ryan - and a few other folks are coming over tonight to carb load.

It's going to be a rockin' Saturday night, y'all. I know I for one will be in bed at like 10:30. CRAZY!

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