Sunday, December 11, 2005

Everyday Is Like Sunday

Blah. It's been cloudy and dreary all day. I hate it. I've left the apartment only to step out onto the balcony and shoot this gray photo.

Someone who lives in that white house practices playing the drums twice a day, once in the early afternoon and then again at about 10 at night. He/she has been practicing since I moved in and still they are no better. Practice, in some cases, does not make perfect.

The other photo I took a few nights ago. I was trying to capture the lights from downtown, which you can see in the distance from my balcony, but you can't much see them in the photo. You can see a very nice sunset, though.


Anonymous said...

Great day for a run, though.

Anonymous said...

Running... what that must be like.

Brian said...

Oh come on gina, you know's one of your favorite hobbies to quit. Was a good day to run though, tromped through Mt. Airy for 90 minutes

Anonymous said...

Maybe people should quit hobbies that make noise. I mean, that guy could be knitting horribly all day and night, and no one would care.


PS. I hope that he hasn't been hit in the head with any clumping cat litter lately. Or a falling cat for that matter.

Anonymous said...

Maybe some people should not get their ass handed to them on the slopes at Perfect North.

Oooh BURN!