Saturday, December 01, 2007

Temporarily "That Girl"

The Man of the hour.

Never at parties or weddings do I take my heels off to dance.

I try to always wear quality heels that are comfortable, and even when they're not, I pride myself on my ablity to endure the pain and always keep them on.

The pile of discarded shoes at wedding receptions always makes me laugh, and while I don't blame any girl for shedding uncomfortable but fabulous shoes, I am never one of them.

Except last night I was.

After about two hours of dancing to a terrific DJ at Tabari's Sweet 16 (+14) birthday party - one of the rockin'-est parties I've attended in a long time, and at the CAC's UnMuseum, so fun - I finally succumbed to the intense pressure in the balls of my feet and took my shoes off.

My black patent leather t-strap Mary Jane's understood, and waited patiently until I returned. Except I didn't return. It was so freeing that the Tall Drink of Water had to bring them to me to put back on at the end of the night.

I could tell they had been crying.

I don't have any photos of the cast aside Mary Jane's, but I do have plenty of party and pre-party photos of the night here.

Happy Sweet 16 (+14) Tabari! I was proud to be part of your slide show. And the fade you had back in the day was awesome.


glass said...

That photo rocks.

Tabari McCoy said...

Hey G to the D, the party wouldn't have been as much fun as it was without you!