This is a still from the scooter video. Not too shabby for a cheapie $100 video camera, eh?
Wow, there are some pretty awesome names for my sweet ride in the comments of Obsessed.
I should have sponsored a naming contest. Winner gets to take my sweet ride out for a spin. (Best contest ever!)
Purple Passion. Purple People Mover. Purple Haze. Purple Devil.
Purple Passion would be excellent considering that was my drink of choice in the 10th grade. My BFF Lori and I would score it however we could and commence to thinking of ourselves as hard-core boozers. If memory serves me it came in two-liter. Can you still buy that stuff? Yikes.
My Purple Passion days were also only a few short years ahead of when my middle school boyfriend, Travis (real name), rode me around on his Honda Elite. (Me and Honda Elite's go way back.)
Excellent suggestion, Big Bri. You had no idea the history I could attach to that.
Purple People Mover is cute, mostly because apparently there is a train/bus/large cab called that in Detroit. Jen I'm going to need more information on this here Purple People Mover.
And the Blue Angel would be totally flattered if I named my scooter the Purple Devil. And I like to make the Blue Angel happy.
But Amy's Purple Haze suggestion is the name I had started to think of too. Mostly because at 35 mph, the only thing people will see of me is a haze of purple when I fly by on it! Ow!
And it sounds more bad ass than Purple Passion. (Though barely!)
Amy and Big Bri, please report to my dead end street this spring to redeem your prize as winner and runner up - free scooter ride!
Side note, you can still buy Purple Passion, though they fancied up the bottle it appears. What, no street cred with the two-liter?
Turns out, Lori and I were more hard-core than I thought. That grape soda-tasting swill is made with Everclear. LaToya Praeter, who ever that is, has a funny blurb about Purple Passion in her list of Top 10 Classiest Drinks. It's number 9. Cheers to that LaToya.
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