Thursday, December 27, 2007

Hmm... I Don't Feel Any More Sculpted

Tonight I hit the Total Body Sculpting class at my gym. There was definitely some burning, but mostly it was in my quads because we did about 300 squats and lunges, so I'd say overall it wasn't a "total" body sculpt. Maybe they should rename it "Total Quad sculpt."

A colleague of mine couldn't walk for three days after taking the "Tone and Chisel" class at her gym. Sounds scary/awesome. I wish my gym had a class that sounds as bad ass as that.

Which got to me thinking as I was lying on the Bosu Ball cranking out chest presses - classes at gyms should have more fun names, such as:

• Ab Shredder - A class featuring myriad ways to make your insides feel like they're coming out

• High and Tight - After this class, your butt will be like a Marine's haircut

• Sick - Not only will you feel like throwing up from this crazy hard-core work-out, but your body will be totally sick afterwards (in a good way)

I could probably start my own gym with these terrific class ideas. It's what 50 chest presses will get you.

Last night I went to Pilates class.

What's up with all these classes, Gina?
Oh, the Tall Drink of Water is in Florida for four days, so I have nothing else to do but go to the gym.

The instructor was kind of mean. Not the normal, coddling "You're doing great!" kind of instructor. It was refreshing.

As I was wollering around on the floor like a beached whale I started calling her the Pilates Monster. In my head. One girl groaned when we had to do planks and the teacher made us all do "around the world" planks. Which are even more horrible than regular planks. Thanks groaning girl.

That could be another class, Groaning Girl - it's like boxing, only instead of heavy bags you punch the girl who complains and makes everyone do more work. It's a great cardio workout.

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