All of these people did the 15k but me. Suckers!
I was all, "I can't catch my breath. I need to walk for 20 more seconds."
The Tall Drink of Water was all, "You don't need 20 more seconds, you want 20 more seconds."
But thanks to his pushing, I was able to smoke my last 5k time at the Heart Mini this morning. Ow! Ow! Then I ate a delicious brunch, courtesy of Gretchen's mad breakfast casserole skillz, then took a long nap.
Some photos from the race.
Yay! Congratulations on your awesome 5K/breakfast casserole.
I had French toast at Daybreak. :)
Khud you're freakin' rock star for doing the entire 15k, and with an excellent time to boot. Good for you!
I hope you ate a giant pile of French toast. Cause you totally deserved it!
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