Sunday, July 30, 2006

Partying Like It's June 21

Nothing says summer solstice party like Kevin raising a yellow gourd, Kari and Kelly dancing in the kitchen and Ronson and Paul ( or should I say Cole?) talking soccer.

I woke up today just before noon, still feeling drunk. How did I get home?

My sincerest apologies to anyone who tried the swill I tried to pass off as wine. God it was terrible. Yet somehow delicious when mixed with Chianti. Two reds that made a right!

Happy Summer Solstice.


Kelly said...

So YOU'RE the one who brought that crazy wine that tasted like Skittles!

Gina said...

Guilty. I'm totally not going to be invited to any more parties.

Brian said...

And I always thought you were a boxed wine girl. What has the world come to....And nice to see Paul's party wear is the same as his Target wear...very classy.