Thursday, June 22, 2006

Grrr Is For Ghana

Ugh! It was so frustrating watching the US vs. Ghana World Cup match this morning.

How big does the hole in front of the net need to be before you shoot the damn ball? Geezuz.

And let’s talk about flopping. How un-American and unseemly.

When Americans get hurt during games, they really get hurt. Bone-crushing, ACL-tearing, concussion getting hurt. They’re certainly not lying on the grass clutching their shin, wincing and whining to get a penatly. And when American’s are carted off the field on a stretcher, they don’t jump back into the game 12 seconds later.

But back to the playing.

When Clint Dempsey scored the only U.S. goal, the packed house at McFadden’s errupted, with strangers slapping double-high fives and cheering and clapping. During the at least half dozen replays, everyone got excited all over again and would cheer each time. It was fun.

But that was the only time the U.S. stretched the back of the net.

By the end it was painful for me watch the U.S. squander its ample opportunities to score again. Mostly I stood there saying, “It’s so painful. So painful. JUST SHOOT THE DAMN BALL!”

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