Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Here They Are!


markjx said...

WTF? Why is there a distribution of baked goods surrounding an SUV? What's the back story?

Enquiring minds want to know! :)


Gina said...

You should ask your girl Missy about this one, Mark. She's got an arm on her.

The SUV didn't stand a chance.

Btw they were red velvet cupcakes with cream frosting, and they were delicious. It's so sad what she did to them.

Anonymous said...

The key phrase is "were delicious" as in were delicious a week and a half ago when they were made. Now what they are is rock hard, hand sized projectiles perfect for throwing off balconies at SUVs. I'll remind you as well that I was not the one who came up with this plan. I believe Adam and Mark had something to do with it. I am as innocent and pure as the snow surrounding the SUV. Although not the snow that is red from the sprinkles.

Unknown said...

I made those cupcakes specifically for your birthday, or possibly incidentally on your birthday, but nonetheless they were birthday cupcakes. How could you!! Sorry they weren't "fresh" or "moist" or even "edible". Now all they are are red icing/sprinkle stains in the snow. sad.