Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Some People Have Real Problems

I was riding high on a deep misery last night this morning, feeling sorry for myself because I hate my new apartment. I decided I hate everything about it - the ceiling, the light, the windows, the light in the windows, the kitchen, the floors. Everything.

I was making myself pretty miserable thinking about it.

Omg, the ceiling is so wretched I'm going to drown myself! The windows are so old I'll probably freeze to death... Oh good, I'll be out of my misery then!

Then I got a text from a friend reminding me that some people have actual problems. So I've stopped feeling sorry for myself. And like my boy DP says, I'm an excellent decorator. So whatevs - bring it on ugly kitchen!

And anyway, the new digs has a fireplace and is just 25 steps from my current apartment (read: still walking distance to Graeter's.)

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