Monday, April 16, 2007


A week ago yesterday I took off my watch and my Livestrong bracelet at the same time, put them on the bathroom counter, shut the door and took a shower.

When I got out the Livestrong bracelet was on the floor and I couldn't find the watch. I haven't seen it since.

At first I didn't think much about it. I figured maybe I left it on my dresser or somewhere. Nope. I've searched everywhere, even in the trash cans looking for it.

I considered that one of the cats might have gotten it but I've ruled them out as culprits. For one, they're too fat to get onto the bathroom counter and two, they're too lazy to play with anything, let alone a big Ironman watch.

The only time I ever take off my watch is when I'm showering, so it isn't possible I took it off for another reason and left it somewhere. It didn't break off or I would have noticed it missing when I went to take a shower.

So where the hell is it? And why was my bracelet on the floor?



Anonymous said...

I'll tell you who it was, it was that damned Sasquatch.

Eric-Pig Blogger

Katie @ CiN said...

Did you check the hamper/dirty clothes basket? I've found strange things that ended up tangled in the dirty clothes that were sitting on the floor while I took a shower. I'll just grab the whole pile, throw them in the hamper and when I'm doing laundry find a hair band or key or something. Maybe your watch fell onto some clothes and you threw them all into a hamper.

Gina said...

Good point about the hamper. I haven't checked there. I got my fingers crossed.

Of course, if it's not there, then the only other explanation is, of course, Sasquatch.