Friday, October 16, 2009

There Is Something Goin' On - TGIF!

This very special edition of TGIF Video goes to me, y'all. My bday is tomorrow and I'll be 100, so I deserve this!

When I was little I thought singers who did duets were married. So in my 9-year-old mind (you can do the math), Kenny and Dolly were totally a couple and they were madly in love. Imagine my shock and sadness when I later learned that not only were they not married, they weren't even a couple, were never a couple and they were just singing some random song.

What?! Dreams shattered that day folks.

Still, I love Kenny and Dolly, and I love this song. Earlier this year I found this Feist and Constantine's stripped down slow-jam version, and damn, it's almost better.

But this is my birthday, and I'll celebrate with Dolly and Kenny if want. Highlights:

• Oh Kenny, look how normal your face was back then. ( He's got something goin'on all right... and it's scary!)

• "We start and end as one, in love forever, we can ride it together." (Look how Dolly pretends to ride something. Ow!)

• "Too deep in love and we got no way out!" (Spoken like a true stalker. Love. It.)

• Dolly's little flub toward the end... she is human. (She's still a sweet little angel from heaven as far as I'm concerned, though.)

As Dolly and Kenny practically yell into their mics, this could be "the year for the real thang." Let's sail away, y'all.


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