Sunday, December 03, 2006

Mag Loading

Chuck Klosterman has a sidebar to his Esquire column this month on taking magnesium supplements, a little mineral advice he got from reading Bill Romanowski’s autobiography, “Romo: My Life on the Edge–Living Dreams and Slaying Dragons.”

Chuck writes:
Romanowski started taking magnesium supplements in 1995. “From then on,” writes Romo, “my dreams were so real and so vivid that the only way I can describe it is this: It was as if the rare dreams I had [in the past] were broadcast in black-and-white. The new ones were being transmitted in high-definition TV.”

Amazingly, this seems to be a very real phenomenon. I’ve started “mag loading” before going to bed, and my dreams have become memorable, dynamic, and beautiful; taking magnesium is akin to ingesting Michel Gondry
in tablet form.

So today, the Tall Drink of Water picked up a bottle of magnesium. And while he was at it, he picked up an extra bottle for me after the label touted it also "helps nerve and muscle function, is essential in the formation of bones and teeth and in converting blood sugar into energy."


We each took one tonight. I don't really have any dream requests, but here's hoping for something crazy fun.


Brian said...

Nice, now you're taking nutrition advice from Romo. The man who caried around a briefcase full of all his pills he took daily, and had his seven year old doing the same thing.

Gina said...

Hmm. Really? I don't actually know who Romo is. Though I suspect he's a liar because last night my dreams were not memorable, dynamic or beautiful. And I woke up kind of pissed about it.

TDW reports the same.