Friday, March 02, 2007

Life Ambition - Check

Over the last few weeks I've spent hours reading Chris Glass's blog and Web site.

It's embarassing how many pages I've clicked through. It feels very stalker-esque and unseemly. I even walked around my office telling my coworkers to read it and then quiz me. Like I said, pretty embarrassing. But it's such great stuff. I started looking at the photos first but it was his lyrical posts about everyday life that drew me in. It's really kind of magical when someone can turn an ordinary day, everyday, into something thoughtful and enjoyable.

I started reading his blog a few weeks ago after I began working on a cover story about local bloggers. I was reading Dave Purcell's Radio Free Newport when I found a link to Chris's site.

Working on the story has been such a pleasure. It's reminded me why reporting is so great and rewarding. You get to meet and talk to people you might actually want to meet and talk to.

I spent two hours at Mammoth Coffee chatting with Dave. We didn't even notice the place closed around us. Finally, the owner had to tell us they had cleaned up, baked their goods for the next day and were ready to head home. Chatting with Dave was more like catching up with an old friend than an interview.

My last interview for the story was with Chris. When I left the office I jokingly said (even though it's totally true) that my ambition was to end up in the background of one of his photos. So when he asked to snap my picture just as we were leaving I thought, "Sweet. I'm totally gonna end up on his FlickR. I'm famous."

Well, I'm not in the background as I'd imagined, but even better than FlickR, I make an appearence on the blog I love so much.


Anonymous said...

'stopped by from a visit to Chris Glass's journal on a whim and am saying "Howdy" nice to read you...


ps edbook.livejournal in case you're interested (please note that I didn't give an easy link so it wouldn't seem like I was trolling. ;)

Jen said...

I'm getting adicte to Chris Glass, too.

Jen said...

oops... addicted. (And to think, I always hit "preview," but that time I didn't.)

Cruel trickery, these blogs.

Anonymous said...

I imagine the interview going something like when Chris Farley interviewed Paul McCartney on SNL:

"Rem...member when you wrote...'Hey Jude?'...Th...that was AWESOME!!"

Anonymous said...

I am hooked on Glass too. I always start my day with a dose of Chris and a little Cinci to remember why I moved to Florida! I found you through him and him through Googling "decoupage". He is a great photographer and wordsmith.